Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kathmandu and Pokhara

The team gathered in Kathmandu and groups 1,2 and 3 left together for the short flight to Pokhara. We had a few scares in the domestic terminal of the airport when wallets were reported as stolen but, in fact, they all turned up packed in various safe places later in the day. We had even managed to acquire 2 extra items of luggage by the time we got to the Hotel Barahi.


We met up with Stephan, Zoe, Jamie and Sam at the hotel and they began a frantic bout of research. The hotel was full of people doing step tests and dribble tests whilst the pool was taken over for the under water weighing tests.


Dinner at the Moondance then a late night with last minute briefings for the medics, the climbing teams and the group as a whole. The researchers had nearly everyone up by 4.20 am for the last round of tests before boarding the bus the Beni.


Groups 1 & 3 left Pokhara at 3pm  and group 2 followed the next day.

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